Monday 3 February 2014

Salmon Veggie Pie. Not so comfort food#2

Today is Monday and it's time to try something new.
While reading food memoir "Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking" by Anya Von Bremzen I was mezmorized by description of kulebyaka(Russian pie with meat,fish stuffing, it's definitely on my to cook list because at first I 've never tried or saw it, and it has ridiculous stuffing,  dough inside the dough!  ) so back to today's dish. Reading about kulebyaka just reminded me about fish in the fridge and lunch time in just two hours with no food prepared. So here we go Salmon Veggie Pie.

Puff pastry dough, layers of dill and parsley, white and sweet potatoes , salmon, cheese and egg+ milk + spices mix inside. Yum!


  1. Looks great... how did it taste?

    1. It was great! Could use more dill and more salmon,though.
