Friday, 6 June 2014

Melbourne weekend part 1 Masha's Birthday

 Last weekend we spend in Melbourne. All of us stayed at nana's even Scrappy!  We had to keep him there because of Graduation Party for LIl Deuel. Oh what a cute litlle blonde guy he was as a toddler! Blonde! he's nowhere near blonde now. Ruslan's hair is so short and light , probably also going to be dark when he's 18.
One of the highlight of our visit was Masha's Birthday! On Sunday morning we got up early(Rus slept till 8 so mama could feel vacation vibe)got ready and went to the beach where Masha and her family were staying. When we got there weather was nice, Mila peacefully was playing in the playpen and S was cooking meat on the beach where he already set up a tent. So let's the party begin! Men were cooking meat, girls talking and watching kids who were burying themselves in sand.(I think it took me 2-3 days to wash all the sand out Rus's hair!) It was so much fun to spend a day with friends. Talking, eating enjoying the beach what could be better?!

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Not so comfort food #6 Spinach pancakes with beets and beet mousse

Spinach pancakes are delicious and easy o make. OUtmeal flour, almond milk, spinach, eggs and here we have he bright (bright green) start of the day! Rus is a fan of beets so I baked some, sliced them very thin, Chris made some mousse using wiped cream with  beet pure. It's super fluffy and melting  and then we made two plates one in the morning one at night guess which plate is mine?